Sales & Landing Page Themes for WordPress

I Want a Website that Converts Visitors into Sales

Ok, first question is, do you have a product to sell? If so, then great, grab a landing page theme and build a WordPress website around high converting landing pages to link up with your SEO & marketing campaigns and focus everything around sales. This works best if your product can be purchased online, since you then have measurable results of what works and what doesn’t, and the beauty of landing page themes is that they allow, and encourage you to experiment with different configurations – some will automatically set up different versions of your page for you to compare.. maybe a black background sells better than white?

It depends what else you want to do with your website, and how many products you have to sell.

You may not have any products to sell at all, well not directly at least, but a conversion to you can be a newsletter signup, an enquiry, a reservation or a download – anything that helps you achieve a specific customer interaction, which you can then turn into a sale or whatever takes your fancy.

Some of these WordPress themes are designed with premium content in mind, for example the ebook themes covered in their own section. These offer you landing pages for marketing and converting sales on your various ebook products, and also paid membership portals for ongoing content delivery, this is what I’ve based the website for this ebook on, and you may very well be reading this on there right now. This might very well work for publishing, but is not much good for selling physical products, or a large catalogue of items, for these you would need a solution based around a more traditional e-commerce shop, have a look at WooCommerce, the add-on plugins and specialist themes for it.

If all you need is a few landing pages tacked onto your current website, you would do well to just grab the Parallax Gravity plugin, offered both in a lite version for free, and a premium paid one with extra features.

Mr WordPress

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