If you don’t yet have a domain name, then you can register one through us. It’s easy, just start a search above to get started.
Once you have your domain name, that’s your mycompany.com name that you registered through us or at another Domain Registrar. The domain itself is more important than the web or email hosting since it controls access to both of these things, so it is best to make sure you control your own domain name, even if you have to spend a bit of time learning how the registrations and renewals are handled and keeping track of everything. We aim to make it easy to buy a domain name and web hosting through us even if you have no previous experience.
Your domain name is your address on the web, without it you don’t exist online, so keep your contact email address up to date so you can retrieve any login details later. You can set up automatic renewal for all domain names in your account so that you never miss the expiry date.
To have a website you need hosting on a server somewhere in the world, both your website and email are usually handled by the same server unless you opt for one of our Premium or Business Email configurations.
Our primary servers are based in Cambodia, for exceptional connectivity to Southeast Asia and international peers. Choose one of our packages depending on your website’s needs.
Website and email hosting starts from just $2.50 per month.
Other domain name extensions can be registered on request, please contact us.
Can I have a country domain name like .kh, .th, .la, .mm, .id, .my, .sg, .hk or others?
The answer is yes, but each country manages their domain names differently – and with varying levels of automation. So while registering a .co.uk or .com.au is a pretty simple process just as easy as registering a .com, whereas in many Southeast Asian countries for example, there are other controls and requirements – commonly you must have a business name registration in the country and then you are permitted to have a matching domain name with the country extension. The great thing about this is that it is much easier to get a great name as it prevents people squatting on company names, and if your market is only in that country it’s often a good solution if you have the right documents in order.
You can register many country level domain names directly through us, but others such as registering com.kh in Cambodia require additional offline processing. Please contact us for more information.
So do many other people, Asia is booming and the market for your business could well be growing fast.
We like .asia as an alternative to a .com, where you can’t find a good .com. Finding a good .com these days can be an impossibility, and usually you will need to append descriptor text to your name such as industry or location. Let’s say there is a company based in Singapore called Media Library, or some such generic name, this company could never find something like medialibrary.com available, so would have to go for medialibrarysingapore.com or grab the country specific .com.sg domain, but that’s not much good if your market is international. A good alternative is medialibrary.asia, if they are focusing on the Asian market.